Brand new Seiko CW8B needle feed walking foot cylinder arm with drop in bobbin for extra strength
Cylinder Length: 9.5” Bed Size Diameter: 62mm Feed dog: Single row Hook: Rotating vertical hook Bobbin: G Presser Foot: Alternating walking presser foot Presser Foot Lift: 8mm by hand - 14mm by foot lift Stitch Length: 0 to 5mm Needle Bar Stroke: 33.4mm
Thread Take-Up Lever Stroke: 61.5mm Needle: 135x17 size 18-22 (135x16 for leather) Maximum Sewing Speed: 2200 RPM Lubrication: Manual *Speed depends on thread, material and operation.
Fitted on new 750w servo motor with needle position, new wheeled stand and new top
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